About Us

About Us

man in red and black plaid shirt working on a desktop computer

Business owners must ask themselves a series of questions when starting any business. Is there a market for their product or service? Who is the target audience? What are the start-up costs and what will the operating costs include? How much initial funding will be needed and what kind of revenue to keep the business afloat?

These are all important questions and must be answered before signing a lease for space or investing in inventory, but with so many options to secure business funding, how can one tell which is the best option for their specific needs?

That is where Riverday Capital comes in. Riverday Capital has the financing expertise to help businesses of any size from start-ups to publicly traded companies secure short term funding solutions. 

Broadly speaking, short term financing includes any form of financing that is paid off over a shorter repayment period, typically under a year, whereas other forms of financing can take multiple years or even decades to pay off. Riverday Capital offers several forms of short-term financing and a team of qualified experts to walk our clients through the pros and cons of each option. 

Riverday Capital specializes in securing financing for aviation flight schools, automobile repairs and vehicle sales, and accountant and auditors offices. Each business has its own unique needs and a solution that works best for those needs. Perhaps you have entered a slow business season and you simply need a business line of credit to infuse a little extra cash into your coffers. A bridge loan might help bridge the gap between acquisitions or other rounds of funding. Factoring or invoice factoring turns unpaid invoices into cash.

Regardless of your need, Riverday Capital is here to make sure you secure the funds needed to keep your business thriving. Contact our New York or Florida offices or apply online today

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