Micro/Small Cap Solutions

Micro/Small Cap Solutions

In business terms, a micro-cap company is a publicly traded company within the United States that has a market capitalization between $50 million and $300 million. Micro-caps are a step up from nano-cap companies but are slightly smaller than small-cap, which have a market capitalization between $300 million and $2 billion. Riverday Capital has experience providing funding to both small and micro-cap companies. 

Micro/small-cap funding can be secured within one business day and allows the borrowing company to receive funds without having to devalue the stock of their company by selling more of it than planned. Don’t leverage your stock when you can have up to $10 million in funding from Riverday Capital for a slightly higher interest rate.

A slightly higher interest rate is a small price to pay in exchange for keeping your overall stock price high and for keeping the supply of your stock regulated. By increasing the number of stocks in the wild, you run the risk of devaluing the stock because of greater supply not necessarily being met by greater demand. By taking advantage of micro/small-cap funding, you do not have the same kind of volatility and potential unforeseen issues, as you know the exact interest rate and repayment policy. 

Micro/small cap funding can be difficult to come by due to the inherently greater risk of smaller and micro-cap stocks. In comparison to mid, large, and mega-cap corporations, limited information exists about micro and small-cap companies, making research and liquidity difficult to come by. As a result, funding can be more difficult for micro and small-cap companies than larger cap companies. That’s where Riverday Capital can help. Regardless of your need, Riverday Capital is here to make sure you secure the funds needed to keep your business thriving. Contact our New York or Florida offices or apply online today